... the bed's all mine!
Published on November 16, 2003 By MsShrink In Home & Family
Okay, maybe this isn't the most politically correct thing to be saying, but I get the bed to myself for five entire days. Before I get deluged with hate mail, I just have to say this. I won't have it totally alone. I will still have the forty-five lb. dog with me. And the six month old kitten. I'm excited because I won't be 'the wedge' for this week!

The wedge. Most moms will understand this term. You are the wedge when you are stuck between the child (or the dog or the cat) and your husband. The child (or dog) (or cat) gets about a third of the mattress. Your darling husband gets about half. That leaves you with about eight inches and relegated to sleeping in the same position as either your husband or your child (or dog.)

Fortunately, my last child left our bed several years ago. However, I have this wonderful dog who has decided in recent weeks that he loves me soooooo much that he should share my pillow with me. His head. My pillow. And he's a leaner which means, in this case, that he has to have something against his back to sleep. I am ususally that something. So this week, I might actually get half a bed to myself!

And you wonder why I say Woo Hoo!

Hubby is out of town on business... he has a new job (thank goodness) and is traveling again. I really don't mind him being gone. I like the quiet, getting the girls to myself, the challenge of managing all the pick-ups and drop-offs and the smug satisfaction of being able to 'do it all.' And I like coming home in the evenings and being able to write. I've started novel number three and it's starting to move along.

And then there is always time to do paperwork. I hate paperwork. Passionately hate it. I've decided that current HPPA regulations mean that I have to be even more guarded and cryptic in my documentation. Before, I just had to worry about it being cryptic enough that sneaky lawyers couldn't decipher my notes without them asking me to decipher them. Now I have to make them tricky enough to also have the HMO and insurance vultures not have any more information than they absolutely need to have. Big Brother/New World Order is not a concept that I endorse. Especially when it comes to people's mental health and emotional issues. There is still so much stigma in seeing a 'therapist' that no one needs to know what is being said behind the closed doors of my office.
And I'll fight tooth and nail to keep it that way!

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